STAT Article Clarification

The STAT News article on Aubrey de Grey dated Oct. 4, 2021, contained a hearsay statement by a former Board member of Humanity+. This statement can be traced to comments made in a tweet STAT News included in its article “Inside the downfall of longevity crusader Aubrey de Grey — and the cult of personality that concealed a pattern of harassment” (Molteni, Aguilar). [1]

The Humanity+ Board and its Officers have no knowledge of an accusation of misconduct concerning de Grey at its meetings or events. There are no reports, findings, or witnessed interactions in person or electronically that support the tweet or comments concerning Humanity+ made in the STAT News article.

While Humanity+ reached out to Molteni and Aguilar to ask why they did not speak directly to the Humanity+ management to fact check the comments, no response was received from Molteni or Aguilar.

In short, the STAT News reporting about a former board member claiming misconduct by de Grey is unfounded scuttlebutt, if not an attempt to undermine not only de Grey but the longevity industry, its scientists, technologists, and the many thousands of people who are advocates for healthy longevity.

Humanity+ values Aubrey de Grey as a respected Advisor and member.


Follow-up: SENS published an Executive Summary that includes the outcome of the Van Dermyden Makus Investigations Law Firm’s Findings. For those who would like the legal outcome, please refer to this report, dated October 25, 2021.


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