The Transhumanism Affirmation


The growing amount of misinformation and disinformation about transhumanism by its critics must be identified, addressed, and corrected. False reporting on transhumanism and constructing inappropriate alignments to transhumanist values are unhealthy for epistemic reasons: they create confusion and produce false, inaccurate, and often poorly justified beliefs. Attempting to force transhumanism into false categories is misleading to the general public, scholars, and students alike. 


Transhumanism is a philosophy that focuses on the scientific and technological advances that are changing our lives and their potential effects on the future of humanity. It promotes an interdisciplinary understanding and evaluation of these opportunities and their potential dangers. Over the past three-plus decades transhumanism has developed into a world movement that is concerned with how these advances are changing the human condition. The human condition often includes acceptance of suffering from disease, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, class structures, and conflict. 

Transhumanism seeks to overcome innate constructs of fear and stagnated thinking that weaken human potential in changing this condition. There is a great need for a larger perspective that does not run from problems but addresses them in an effort to find solutions. As advances in science and technology accelerate and affect all people, it is crucial to be better informed about the benefits and consequences of these changes. In support of this, transhumanism advocates for the access to reliable knowledge to benefit people at all levels of society. Knowledge liberates people from false authority, provides us with the power to help others, and enables us to actively take part in decision-making. Without such knowledge, humanity could suffer a very dangerous loss. 


For decades transhumanism had been misrepresented and misconstrued
in claims made by journalists, scholars, and academics.

Misinformation and Disinformation Claims that need to be corrected.

  • Claim: Transhumanists lack diversity and are all white male elitists.

  • Claim: Transhumanism only benefits the rich through capitalistic economies.

  • Claim: Transhumanism believes that technology can fix everything (technocratic solutionist approach).

  • Claim: Transhumanists want to leave biology behind.

  • Claim: Transhumanism is the same as singularitarianism and longtermism.

  • Claim: Transhumanism seeks the ideal of perfection.

  • Claim: Transhumanism’s Morphological Freedom is morally wrong.

  • Claim: Transhumanism wants to play ‘God’.

H+ Academy Roundtable Debates with Critics at our YouTube Channel:


Transhumanism: Experts Debate Leading Conservative