Transhumanism: Experts Debate Leading Conservative

Video now available! Watch our leading transhumanist debate conservative Joe Allen of well-known right-wing religious zealot and conservative Steve Bannon’s War Room. This is an electrifying virtual event where we delve into the mind-bending world of transhumanism with author Joe Allen. Prepare to have your ideas challenged and your imagination ignited as we explore the fascinating intersection of technology and humanity.

“Leading conservative Steve Bannon's anti-transhumanist attack dog Joe Allen debates transhumanist experts.”

This thought-provoking discussion and debate will leave you questioning why authors and politicians are focused on religion and Gods rather than philosophy, human intelligence, and a more humane humanity. Why are age-old myths of fear used to try to understand transhumanism rather than reading about what actually did influence Transhumanism, such as the Renaissance, Enlightenment, and the academic field of Future Studies, where foresight, strategic thinking, and vision are applied. Transhumanism, at its core, is humanitarian. Technology is a tool. Humans have always used technology to overcome limitations. Like technology, human awareness and intelligence have helped us overcome limitations. Technology does not have to be worshipped like a religion to be useful. The beliefe and practice of “worshipping” goes against the rational and logic of philosophy.

Let's get serious about what it means to be human in the age of rapid technological advancements. Don't miss out on this mind-expanding event!

Date: October 15, 2023
Time: 11:00 AM PST (Please check your time zones!)
Register for Tickets: Zoom link will be sent to ticket holders


Panelists in Discussion and Debate with Guest author Joe Allen are:

Natasha Vita-More, PhD, an early transhumanist who helped to co-found the movement (1990), author of the Transhumanist Manifesto (first ed.1983), Founder of the Center for Transhumanist Studies (2020), and currently the Executive Director of Humanity Plus, Inc.

Max More, PhD, author of the Philosophy of Transhumanism (1990), Founder of Extropy Institute, 1991, and Editor-in-Chief of Extropy Magazine (1989), former CEO & President, Alcor, and currently Director of Communications of Biostasis Technologies.

Nell Watson, PhD (est. 2024), lectures globally on Machine Intelligence, AI philosophy, Human-Machine relations, and the Future of Human Society, a faculty member of the Singularity University, Artificial Intelligence & Robotics track and the founder & CEO of Poikos, “Instagram for body measurement”

Joe Allen is an author and Jounalist for The Federalist, among other publications, studied religion and science at the University of Tennessee and Boston University, and author of Dark Aeon: Transhumanism and the Way Against Humanity.


The Transhumanism Affirmation


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