Elevating the
Human Condition
Advocating for a more humane humanity.
Finding balance between opportunity and risk, seeking solutions to world problems.
Advancing science and technology for a better, more beneficial future.
Change the World. Advance Healthy Longevity. Be the Future.
Our Mission. Humanity+ advocates for the ethical use of technology and evidence-based science to expand human capabilities. We want people to be better than well. We support the development of high-impact technology to make beneficial futures attainable. We are often ahead of the curve and hope to bring seminal and important knowledge to the forefront as Humanity+.
What is Humanity Plus? A humanitarian approach to the humanist values of human beings and toward alleviating vulnerabilities and injustices. We support the original Transhumanism goals of healthy transformations of the human condition and the many opportunities and challenges that lie ahead in being the foremost advocacy for healthy longevity and healthy environments.
How can you help? Join now and help us continue our mission to focus on science, technology, culture, and social issues that are often in the incubation stages and may not have reached fields and businesses that are supported and funded by legacy institutions. We envision a more humane humanity that supports health care and justice. We welcome you to read our Newsletters!
Humanitarian Philosophy
Socrates, Aristotle, Dennet, Chalmers, and More have advocated for the future of humanity. Humanists are now transforming technology and trans-humanism is the most influential outlook today. What is it?
Facts & Values: Ask Questions and Talk about Future Scenarios
It all begins with a panel debate and discussion. Diplomacy strengthens our debates with critical thinking and highly creative open minds. Watch Videos.
Our Partnership with Healthy Longevity
Uniting stakeholders for Longevity, Aging, Biojuvenation & Geroscience. Advancing development, education & promotion.
Our focus is on creating a world that is worth living in. Humanity Pus (Humanity+) suggests we apply clear headed thinking that takes all issues into account and to aspire toward beneficial possibilities for our future. To be informed, we need to be asking today about how the impacts of technology could change our future tomorrow. No one has all the answers, but we must continue to question and explore all possibilities. You can contact us by sending an email to: info at humanityplus.org